Get Ready! Disaster Resilience and Recovery

Get Ready! Disaster Resilience and Recovery session presented by Noosa Council

Join us for an interactive information session on October 11 (1.30-3.30pm) from Noosa Council’s Disaster Disruption and Resilience Officer, Ian Williams on preparing for the storm and bushfire season in our community.

He’ll be joined by Recovery and Resilience Officer, Angela Romanowski providing guidance about P-CEP plans (Person Centred Emergency Preparedness). Angela has a background in preventative health and currently in her final year of a Master’s in Occupational Therapy. Her passion lies in using a strength-based approach to empower individuals to actively participate in their daily activities. In her recovery and resilience role, she understands the critical importance of supporting all individuals, especially those who are more vulnerable.

Ian and Angela spend a lot of time engaging with local schools, aged care facilities, small business and tourism sectors as well as events and community gatherings just like this one at U3A.

Together, they’ll also provide emergency information kits and person centred emergency preparedness plans (P-CEP) for each attendee to build a stronger, more resilient community to withstand and recover from natural disasters.

Posted in Friday Talks.