U3A noosa Newsletter


 October 03 Newsletter


  Our member satisfaction survey is now closed and we thank all those  who responded, particularly with suggestions and ideas.  There were many requests for specific  topics, but as our tutors and facilitators are all voluntary, it’s sometimes not easy to find the right person to run a course.  We’ll do our best to tick as many wish lists as possible, particularly with the more popular requests.
The information and comments will be useful as a guiding hand for future decision-making.
The results will posted on the notice board at reception in due course.
  Liz Gleghorn, President

Reflections on Life Through Poetry & Prose  with Barbara Vines.  9.00 – 11.00am Mondays 14 October to 9 December 2024.
Join the friendly group of lovers of the written word for 9 weeks of reading, writing, reflecting, experimenting and generally having a good time, sharing ideas and committing some of our thoughts and ideas to paper, through poetry or prose.  For ideas and stimulus we may investigate other examples of prose or poetry on various themes or topics from life, love and everything in between – serious or silly – it doesn’t matter as long as you’re prepared to have a go.  All welcome.  No previous writing experience necessary. 
Basic Self-defence   This course has now been cancelled, due to lack of interest.   A new course is expected early 2025.  

Message from our Tutor Co-ordinator, Meg:
We are always looking for new tutors.  You don’t have to be a teacher or a lecturer, (obviously you are welcome if you are) but just someone who would like to share knowledge of their interest or hobby. Contact me, Meg Oldham  on 0439653426 or meg_oldham@hotmail.com  and we can catch up and have a chat. I will help you, and organise everything.  

Friday talks

  11 October   Get Ready! Disaster Resilience & RecoveryPresented by Noosa Council.
Prepare for storm and bushfire season in our community.
18 October   The biggest Show on Earth: the 2024 US Presidential Election.

Presented by Prof Quentin Beresford. The race has become even more interesting with Kamala Harris as the new Democratic Party nominee, so come along and learn about the key issues driving the election and where it will be won or lost and the consequences for USA and the world. 
22 November   William Bligh…Captain of the Bounty and Governor of NSW – villain or hero?
Presented by Assoc Prof Kevin Alford.
All talks start at 1.30pm and afternoon tea is served.  Cost – $3.00 cash or voucher.

Rita Lee Chapman – Author  

‘You should write a murder story about our tennis club….’ said one of the members. What started as a casual suggestion became a reality when established author Rita Lee Chapman sat down at her computer last year.
She has now produced an intriguing detective novel featuring not one, but three unexplained deaths! These must be resolved by DI Mark Williamson, newly arrived on the Sunshine Coast and based at the Maroochydore Police Station.
While members of one of Noosa’s tennis clubs may recognise subtle descriptions of fictional characters who seem vaguely familiar, local readers will also enjoy frequent references to places and events which they can relate to, and an enthralling storyline that keeps you guessing till the end.
Rita is a member of U3A noosa and until recently, was a member of our Intermediate French class.
She has now written and published nine novels for adults and three for children. Her earlier female detective Anna Davies tackles unexplained disappearances in her Missing in Egypt, Missing in France, Missing at Sea, Missing in London and Missing in Australia mystery series. For more details of these and other works by Rita, go to her website –
Murder at the Tennis Club is a ‘must read’ for all those who enjoy a good murder mystery, with the bonus of local flavour.
Well done, Rita! Your talent is helping to put Noosa on the map!
Contributed by Jacky Martin
Rita has donated a copy of Murder at the Tennis Club for our fiction library.  Borrowing is encouraged, but please read and return promptly.



Spanish Conversation is a fun-filled class where students learn how to participate in everyday events the Spanish way.  It is on Wednesdays at 11.30am and new students are welcome.  
Carole Dawson, tutor writes……..”Our Spanish class had a very practical lesson recently about booking a table and ordering food at a Spanish restaurant.  Cathy, the camerera (waitress) in the photo has a son who owns a restaurant called BAUSK in Basque, Spain.  Bob made some table cards with the Bausk logo on them and we put flowers on the tables and handed out a menu and a sheet with questions to ask when you are in a restaurant in Spain.  The members of the class really enjoyed the experience.  Cheers Carole and Bob.”
  Contributed by Carole Dawson and Bob Ballard, tutors.


Creativity abounds


What a wonderful success the Acrylic Pouring Class was on Tuesday morning. Thanks to our very knowledgeable tutor Maureen Edmonds, and her assistant Sharon, everyone enjoyed the experience and comments from students were glowing – all hoping for  another class to be organised.  Well done everyone.

Keep your eye on the Website for dates of a future class.

Contributed by Meg Oldham 


Vale Anita Highland
Anita was well recognised at the tables in the Mahjong Learners class on Wednesday afternoons.  She was attending for many years and was always prepared to put her hand up and help with organising and running the class.
The coffee station would always be wiped down and clean following  afternoon tea, a task usually left to the reception volunteers, but Anita was always on the job with a cleaning cloth in her hand, a kind gesture she will be remembered for.  
Anita will be sadly missed by all her friends here at U3a noosa.


Introducing our U3A volunteers 

Name:  Liz Hansen
Position: Vice President on Management Committee & Meditation Tutor

The role of the VP is to monitor governance and step in whenever the President is unavailable. More recently I have taken an active part in the monthly newsletter. I did ask a couple of other volunteers to answer these questions, but there has been a little hiccup, so now you get to know me a little bit.
I was teaching meditation at Yeppoon & Rockhampton for eight years before moving to Noosaville in 2019. I also teach yoga but meditation is my passion. It has so much to offer for our wellbeing, but I don’t want to give away the answers to our Quiz question this edition, so I won’t say any more.  However, if you’re curious to know more, beginners are always welcome on Thursday afternoons; and we do have great fun together.
Q1. What class at U3A do you (or would you) most like to attend?
Easy answer is Mahjong. That’s the class that brought me to join U3A Noosa and I still look forward to it every week. 
That said, I am also loving the other classes I attend, especially Homers Odyssey with the very knowledgeable Kath, and Spiritual Science with Jonathan. 
I love the friendship at Colour and Chat with Sue on Fridays, and even though my talent is limited I have a go at Watercolours with Meg. So many great classes on the timetable, that I wish I could do more.
Q2. Do you have a nickname?
With a name like Elizabeth you are sure to get a nickname or two.
The one that means most to me however was from my childhood. My mother called me Maggie, like a magpie, because I loved to sing…a lot.

Q3. What is the most adventurous thing you have done in life?
I have a couple of friends who are truly adventurous, so it’s a bit of a stretch to have anything to say about myself that is remotely adventurous. I suppose I can be a bit fearless when it comes to starting a project from scratch. I’m the one inclined to say “Let’s do it” when something needs doing.
Q4. What is your go-to karaoke song?
Amazing Grace if I’m being serious, or Cher’s Just Like Jesse James, if I still can.
 Q5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
That’s a tough one because we do need some superheroes to make some changes in the world. If I really think about it, I would want to be able to help everyone to find love in their heart for each other. Negativity is so destructive, and I truly believe that love can conquer everything.
Q6.  If you could invite three people to dinner (living or passed), who would you choose?
Only three!!! Let’s make it a party…
Thich Nhat Hanh, for his beautiful heart and wisdom
Cat Stevens or John Lennon, or Neil Diamond because every party needs music, and
All of my friends through the years, because I am so grateful for their support and love.
Q7. Is there something about your role here at U3A that you would like to share with the members?
I am the newbie on the committee, so still finding my way there; but U3A Noosa runs on the efforts of volunteers, so I would like to say to everyone to be patient, to be kind and be respectful. When I talk with the members it is clear that we love this place to find connection and to expand our knowledge, so I am happy to contribute in some small way too.
I encourage anyone who can spare the time and energy to help, to reach out to us. You can reply to this email or ask at reception. Perhaps there is a talent or skill you could share and Meg, our tutor co-ordinator will be very happy to chat with you about that.
About my Meditation class…
I started out thinking it was for only eight weeks. That was early last year and it’s still going due to the enthusiasm of all attending. Especially if you think you “can’t switch off those thoughts”, you are always welcome anytime to see what might finally work for you.

If you have read this far, thanks. LizH 


Quiz Time
Each month we will publish a quiz question from one of our tutors. The winner will receive a book of five tickets to attend classes. Pretty tempting, yes!

Winners will be determined by the featured tutor.  No discussions will be entered into regarding the choice of winner. It’s all just a bit of fun.

Due to the school holidays, the 500 quiz has been extended until 11 October.  

Leave your answer and contact details in the box at reception.
Meditation Question:
There are many benefits to having a regular practice of meditation. Name at least one to go in the quiz draw to win a book of class tickets (Value $15)

Enter by placing your answer in the box at reception at U3A Noosa.

Thanks in advance for entering.

Liz, Tutor Meditation class.

The winner of each quiz will be announced next newsletter.     

Photography club  

At the beginning of September, a group from “Photography for Fun” went on an overnight road trip to Kingaroy. We met for morning tea in Goomeri before all heading off through Murgon and Wondai to Memerambi stopping at the Memerambi Springs Garden Centre to have a look around and take some photos. It was a great venue, enjoyed by all. Most found some plants to purchase for home also. Then it was on to Kingaroy and our accommodation for the night.

In the afternoon we went into the main street for photos of the town’s architecture. Being Sunday afternoon the town was noticeably quiet. For sunset we drove up to Mount Wooroolin Lookout for nibbles and sunset photos. Dinner was at the Kingaroy RSL and an enjoyable evening was had by all. Next morning before heading for home after breakfast, we had a further look around the town visiting the museum and taking further photos along the way. On the way home we stopped at Wooroolin Wetlands once again for photos.  Access to the wetlands was a little disappointing as the bird hide was closed.  A number of us stopped at Wondai at the Woodworks Museum and Woodworkers display. We all met back at Goomeri for lunch before wending our way back home. A wonderful overnight trip was enjoyed by all who went on the adventure.

Contributed by Mary Kiernan

Memerambi Springs Garden Centre


The Noosa Libraries offers technical support in areas such as phone set up for both Android and Apple with social media and artificial intelligence information.

For bookings and further information tap on the below links.

Search results | Noosa Libraries Catalogue (spydus.com)
Intro to Social Media – Noosaville | Noosa Libraries Catalogue (spydus.com)
Tech Talk; Discover A.I. – Cooroy | Noosa Libraries Catalogue (spydus.com)    

 Read all about it

We love news items so please send your contributions to management@u3anoosa.com.au

  Copyright © 2024 U3A noosa, All rights reserved.
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