January 08 Newsletter Welcome to 2025 Happy New Year to you all and a warm welcome to all our new members. We anticipate 2025 will be an enjoyable and busy year, with a curriculum that includes more interesting and diverse topics and of course, our old favourites are back. Keep your eye on the website for updates. Don’t forget to sign up for membership renewal and course registration with reception. Email your requests until reception re-opens on 20 January. info@u3anoosa.com.au Classes recommence on Tuesday 28 January. Open Day is on Monday 20 January 9.00am –12.00pm, when our tutors will be here with information about their courses/classes. Reception opens 9.00am –1.00pm week beginning 20 January. Normal reception hours resume from 28 January 8.30am – 4.00pm. On a more serious note, our AGM is on Friday 28 February and we desperately need members to help on the Management Committee, including at executive level with a President, Secretary and Treasurer. We need to fill these vital roles to carry on and there is a very real risk that unless we get some help we will have to close. We rely wholly on volunteers to operate and, as members, we are all responsible for doing our bit, so please offer your help. It’s very unreasonable to expect a loyal and devoted few to carry the load for everyone else year after year. A notice calling for nominations will be published soon. I will not re-nominate as President, as after 7 years the organisation needs a new approach and I need relief. The role is neither difficult nor time-consuming and plenty of support is available. My role as president comprises only a very small part of my overall time at Michell House as I choose to take on other roles, and I also attend classes as a student. A president is certainly not expected to do this. I’m happy to talk to anyone interested and if needed, will remain available to support a new president. Kathie Jordan has shared that she will not re-nominate as Secretary and is also happy to talk to anyone that is interested. Her role is rewarding and not onerous but does require a working knowledge of Microsoft, a willingness/ability to take minutes and be involved. Kathie is also available to support a new Secretary and will remain active within our newsletter team. All roles and responsibilities of management committee members are on our website or have a chat with any one of us about the role. Liz Gleghorn President Celebrations There was much laughter, chatter and good cheer at our end of year party – a delightful way to unwind after a busy year and to celebrate the festive season. Thanks to Julie-Anne Blyth and the events committee for providing us with delicious food and to Mike Hines for good wine, and thanks to all the extra helpers who contributed to the happy and festive occasion. Dream Journal with Kurt Becker 11.00am-1.00pm Thursdays Starts 27 February History Alive with Darrel Roche 9.30-11.30am Thursdays Starts 30 January Line Dancing with Cheryl Halliday 9.00-10.00am Fridays Starts 31 January Short Story Writing with Barbara Vines 9.00-11.00am Mondays Starts 3 February Reading Virgil’s ‘The Aeneid’ with Kath McKay 9.00-11.00am Fridays Starts 31 January Military History with Alan Roberts 12.00-2.00pm Mondays Starts 24 March Shakespeare for Groundlings with Susan Roberts 9.00-11.00am Mondays Starts 31 March Continuing classes that welcome new students include: Cryptic Crosswords Beginners and Learners with Tony Koppi 9.30-11.30am Tuesdays French Basics with Oj Rugins 11.30am-1.00pm Fridays Games including – Bridge, Cribbage/Backgammon, Solo Details of all courses/classes are on our website: https://www.u3anoosa.com.au/timetable/ Friday 31 January 2025 Assoc. Professor Kevin Alford – Weight Loss, diet/drugs/devices – what works and why? What doesn’t and what’s dangerous? Is OZEMPIC the answer?” Friday Friday 7 February 2025 Kathy Sundstrom – IDcare: Scam Awareness – full Details to follow 1.30pm start and afternoon tea is served. $3.00 or voucher. Noosa arts theatre We are always on the look out for activities that might interest our members and recently Noosa Arts Theatre advised in their newsletter that Director Jane Rivers, is gathering expressions of interest to form a group of “.Merry Melody Makers.” The group has secured the services of a musician to play their new, you beaut, theatre keyboard for people to join together to sing everything from show tunes to themed sessions. You don’t need to be a Pavarotti or Dame Joan S. to come along and join them in a sing-a-long on a regular basis. No experience required or an ability to read music…. This activity is for fun and frivolity ONLY! The group is not a choir just a bunch of people who like to sing. Jane is planning to hold the first sing-along on Monday 20 January at 2pm. For more information contact Jane Rivers on 0429 497756. Submitted by Kathie Jordan Introducing Our U3A noosa Volunteers Name: Kim Rogers Position: Reception/Administration Role description – Most importantly greeting our current members with a smile as they enter the building, welcoming and sharing information with new members, office administration and helping where required. Q1. What class at U3A noosa do you (or would you) most like to attend? At present I don’t attend classes but would like at some stage to join The Happy Singers, Art Appreciation or perhaps Movies and More. Q2. Do you have a nickname? No, no nickname but when you have a short first name like mine people always like to lengthen it so I sometimes get called Kimmi. Q3. What is the most adventurous thing you have done in life? Travelling through Morocco on the local buses and trains during a time of civil unrest. Sharing a train carriage with armed soldiers surrounded with the smoke and aroma of their local cigarettes. LizH: That is pretty impressive, and we are so grateful that you survived to share the tale. Q4. What is your go-to karaoke song? I like a lot of different music, and my granddaughters try to keep me up to date. But my longtime favourite would have to be Carol King (Tapestry). Q5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To encourage peace, harmony and contentment throughout the world. Q6. If you could invite three people to dinner (living or passed), who would you choose? Nelson Mandella, Joanna Lumley (Actor) and my Mum. Q7. Is there something about your role here at U3A noosa that you would like to share with the members? I enjoy coming to volunteer at U3A noosa on a Thursday and Friday primarily because of the friendly and interesting members I get to meet and talk with. And of course, because of the other great volunteers I share the day with. LizH: Thanks Kim for sharing and for volunteering your expertise and time. Your welcoming, friendly smile as we walk in that door is appreciated by many. Quiz Our quiz question for December was provided by Ann McGregor and remains open until the end of January. You may wish to drop your answer into the box at reception during Open Day or during the first week back. A free book of vouchers is the prize. Ann’s inspiration for the question comes from attending the Friday Colour and Chat group led by Sue. In a double rainbow, in what order do the colours appear in the second rainbow? Quotes to inspire you in the new year “Celebrate new endings for they precede new beginnings.” Jonathan Lockwood Huie “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.” Nido Qubein “Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.” Robin Sharma “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis “You can get excited about the future – the past won’t mind.” Hillary DePiano “Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb – that’s where the fruit is.” Frank Scully Read all about it We love news items so please send your contributions to management@u3anoosa.com.au |
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