This Code of Conduct has been compiled to establish acceptable ethical and legally compliant standards of conduct for all members, volunteers and Tutors of U3A noosa when involved in any U3A noosa activities.
To ensure members observe appropriate conduct and ethical standards in their
interaction with each other during all U3A noosa classes, activities or events. The code provides guidelines to ensure efficient, harmonious and lawful outcomes.
All Members of U3A noosa, Volunteers, Tutors and any other individuals that may represent U3A noosa from time to time in an official capacity.
Policy Statement
As a self-funded, member-based organisation, U3A noosa expects that all members, tutors and other volunteers will behave in a courteous and civilised manner in all dealings relevant to U3A noosa
- Participate in a friendly and positive way at all times.
- Show respect, courtesy and consideration to everyone you deal with in U3A noosa.
- Wear the U3A noosa lanyard at all times whilst participating in a U3A noosa class or activity
- Be punctual and reliable in attending U3A noosa courses/events/office rosters or other commitments; and forewarning of unavoidable absences, withdrawals from courses, events or volunteer commitments.
- Observing strict confidentiality regarding organisational and members’ personal information to which you may have access; never disclosing contact details of any U3A noosa member or tutor to anyone without their permission.
- Avoiding all forms of discriminatory behaviour in regard to nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, culture, religion, age and mental or physical capacity.
- Preserving the wellbeing and safety of members and the organisation by abiding by any directive or prerequisite specified by tutors or event organisers for that participation.
- Not causing any wilful damage to U3A noosa premises, materials, facilities or equipment.
- Promoting U3A noosa in a positive way, refraining from harming the organisation’s reputation or relationships by inappropriate comment or procedures.
- Abiding by this Code and all other U3A noosa policies and procedures.
Following the U3A noosa Grievance Policy & Procedure.
U3A noosa will not tolerate any behaviour which is not in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Should a dispute or grievance arise individuals are strongly encouraged to first seek resolution of unacceptable behaviour or grievances between themselves. Should this fail to remedy the complaint or grievance the Grievance Procedure shall be followed. Any matters of grievance should be addressed to the Secretary at email: within 14 days of the alleged unacceptable behaviour.
Policy Statement
This policy statement is underpinned by the preceding terms and conditions and applies to all members.
This grievance procedure aims to achieve conciliation and the resolution of complaints quickly with fairness, care and understanding. Confidentiality of all parties will be preserved.
If the grievance is of a criminal nature it will be forwarded immediately to the relevant authorities and the following procedure will not apply. Should such a situation arise then the relevant legal process will be observed.
- A formal written complaint should be made by letter or email directed to the U3A noosa Secretary whom will discuss the complaint with the President.
- A Management Committee member will be nominated to review the formal complaint or issue. This will typically be President, one or both of the Vice Presidents and the Secretary.
- The Management Committee nominee will meet/discuss with the person(s) alleging the grievance to ascertain facts/views, in an attempt to find common ground and a resolution.
- If no resolution is reached between the parties involved then the Management Committee nominee managing the review will make recommendations of action to be taken.
- The Management Committee will review the recommendation(s) and a decision will made on those recommendations.
- The Secretary will formally respond in writing to the individual(s) who submitted the formal complaint advising the Management Committee decision.
- The Management Committee’s decision is final.
Approval and Amendment History | Details |
Version No | 1.3 |
Approval Authority | This Members Code of Conduct Policy was adopted by the Management Committee and minuted as such, 14 October 2019 |
Amendment History | 29th June 2019. Initial draft by Martin Ashworth
2nd July 2019. Further content written 24th September 2019. Grievance Policy and Procedure completed |
Amendment Authority and Date | This Members Code of Conduct Policy was amended by the Management Committee and minuted as such, on Day Month Year |
Records Management
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The version number must be included in the document file name and the file name MUST be inserted in the footer of the document left hand side
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Documents\2018-2019\Policies and Procedures\Policies Approved\Members Code of Conduct Policy V1.30.
Related Policies
This policy should be read in conjunction with related policies:
List related policies here
- U3A noosa Constitution
- Terms and Conditions of Membership