Social Media Policy



U3A noosa is committed to managing the operations and the long-term future in an efficient and professional manner for all the stakeholders, members, staff, volunteers and the general community we serve.


The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidance on procedures and rules surrounding the content of all Social Media platforms that may be used by U3A noosa and in particular the U3A noosa Facebook page. 


  • Management Committee for observance.
  • This policy also applies to any representative(s) appointed by the Committee to undertake advertising on a U3A noosa social platform.

Policy Statement

The final arbiter of the content of our Facebook pages are those appointed as Administrators of the site by the Executive Management Committee.   All parties are bound by the following rules as well as those contained in related policies listed.

  • Posts need to present U3A noosa and its membership in a positive light at all times.
  • Posts should not bring disrepute to other peoples’ reputations or damage other peoples’ feelings.
  • Posts need to be factual and accurate and if deemed necessary, validate material from external parties.
  • Posts must not infringe on the copyright or intellectual property of others. This includes trademarks, logos, names, slogans, text, photos and graphics.
  • Posts will be non-political, and not support commercial ventures or organisations, except where a commercial business arrangement (e.g. Sponsorship) is in place with U3A noosa.
  • All editors have responsibility for replying to comments on the page and for deleting comments which are incompatible with U3A noosa policies.
  • In selecting material for posting priority should be given to publicising U3A noosa activities and events; other material could include other not for profit news which would be of interest to our members.
  • If there is doubt about the suitability or legality of a proposed posting, Administrator(s) are requested to confer with the President or Vice President(s) for guidance.



Procedures are not deemed necessary for this policy.



Approval and Amendment History Details
Version No 1.1
Approval Authority This Social Media Policy was adopted by the Management Committee and minuted as such,  on 14 October 2019
Amendment History 3 Sep 2019. Initial Draft of Policy by Kathie Jordan

30th Sep 2019. Minor changes to Purpose and overall amendments made to simply Policy Statement and to incorporate Related Policies


Amendment Authority and Date This Social Media Policy was amended by the Management Committee and minuted as such, on Day Month Year


Records Management

U3anoosaCloud/Policy & Procedures/Social Media Policy V 1.0

Refer to Document Management Policy and Procedure for naming standards and storage protocols

The version number must be included in the document file name and the file name MUST be inserted in the footer of the document left hand side

For Example:

               U3anoosacloud\public\policies\Social Media Policy V1.1.docx

     \about us\policies\SocialMediaPolicy V1.1

Documents\2018-2019\Policies and Procedures\Policies Approved\Social Media Policy V1.1


Related Policies

This policy should be read in conjunction with related policies:

  • Members Code of Conduct
  • Management Committee Conflict of Interest
  • U3A noosa Constitution




Posted in Policies.