Safety & Wellbeing Policy


This policy is designed to align U3A noosa practices with the principles underpinning legislation related to workplace health and safety and discrimination.


This policy identifies U3A noosa commitment to the safety and wellbeing of its volunteers and members and our collective and individual responsibility while undertaking the business of the association to act safely, to cause no harm, and to engage with activities that can help prevent injuries and illness.

The use of this policy presupposes a reasonable, evidence-based approach to safety and wellbeing practices reflective of the volunteer nature of the association.


This policy applies to all volunteers, staff, members and visitors of U3A noosa.

Policy Statement

All members of U3A noosa who provide volunteer services, or conduct courses, external or related activities must take sensible and reasonable steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone attending any activity conducted on behalf of U3A noosa and to minimise risk.

When engaged in activities related to U3A noosa, no member may harass or discriminate against another member.

Any member who wishes to make a complaint under this  provision should refer to the Complaint and Conflict Resolution Policy.

All participants of U3A noosa activities and operations must be mindful of their own and others’ safety and wellbeing at all times.

U3A noosa will only use the services of motor vehicles that is fitted with seat belts and seat belts must be worn at all times by members when seated in motor vehicles hired by U3A noosa.

Where activities are conducted in the workplace of another organisation, U3A noosa members, staff and volunteers are required to comply with the workplace health and safety rules applicable to that workplace.

U3A noosa will conduct and document a safety and wellbeing risk assessment bi-annually and introduce controls to minimise any identified risks.

Volunteers from the committee or sub-committee who have a key role in particular operational activities will participate in the Annual safety and wellbeing risk assessment process

The report of the annual assessment together with any recommendations arising from the assessment will be reviewed by the committee.  

U3A noosa will include reference to this policy in training manuals, in volunteer induction processes, and in other practices as appropriate.

A witness to any accident or incident compromising safety or wellbeing occurring during U3A noosa activities must complete an Accident/Incident Report and forward it to the secretary as soon as practical after the incident. (Attachment A).

A register of all accidents and incidents will be maintained and reviewed annually as part of the safety and wellbeing risk assessment process.

The committee will review all such reports at the next committee meeting following the accident/incident.

Lanyards must be worn by all members when in Michell House or when attending any U3A noosa activities regardless of location. The card within the lanyard contains the membership number against which the member’s emergency contact details and medical matters are recorded in the Membership database at U3A noosa.


  1. Carry out routine safety/hazard checks monthly.
  2. Carry out evacuation/fire drill practiced bi-annually.
  3. Monitor wearing of lanyards
  4. Regular staff training First Aid & Defibrillator, CPR.
  5. Ensure tutors are familiar with evacuation procedures.
  6. Refer to points 6-9 of the Policy Statement.
  7. Accident/Incident Form and Hazard Identification Form are to be included in Tutors folders and noted in their manual. Copies are to be held at reception and procedure also noted in Handbook, Induction and Procedure Manual for reception.


  • Workplace Inspection Checklist
  • Accident/Incident Form
  • Hazard Identification Report Form


Approval and Amendment History Details
Version No 1.0
Approval Authority This Safety and Wellbeing Policy was adopted by the Management Committee and minuted as such, on 9 December 2019
Amendment History Insert Date. Describe the amendment and why it was made.
Amendment Authority and Date This Safety and Wellbeing Policy was amended by the Management Committee and minuted as such, on Day Month Year


Posted in Policies.